Common woes with complex hormonal problems

By Dr Maureen Dunn, ND

Two of the most common things I hear from my patients is that they:

🤔 Feel dismissed and are told their symptoms are “normal”

⚠️ Have been told that “there is nothing more that can be done” for them

As a result, they resort to DIY approaches, without much luck, and with more frustration. As a Naturopathic Doctor who specializes in women’s health, I hear this every sday. So I get that when your health options keep hitting dead-ends, you naturally turn to Dr. Google, health forums, and distant cousins for help. 

The other day, I was chatting with a friend in the office and she was telling me she had resorted to a DIY approach for her fatigue, erratic periods, hair loss, and the “tire around her middle”.  She tried so many different things, including:

  • Conventional wisdom 

  • Low carb diets

  • Counting macros/calorie counting

  • Drinking 120 ounces of water a day

  • Exercise 6 times/week

  • Meditating … 

All of that and she only lost a few pounds!

That’s a lot of work for a few pounds... and she was beginning to feel hopeless because nothing really worked. How many of us are guilty of wasting time, energy, and money DIYing something in our house just to hire someone in the end? I sure am. 

Here’s the thing—women who come to me struggle with complex metabolic and hormonal conditions. And unfortunately, many, if not most, haven’t had a thorough evaluation of their symptoms or detailed labs. This is unfortunate because information plus a knowledgeable, experienced guide leads to results. 

I have been in practice for over a decade and my passion is helping women overcome their debilitating symptoms, whether they want to get back in their skinny jeans, balance their hormones, heal their gut, or get to the root of whatever ails them.  

I love helping women regain their health and be done with their symptoms for good and I am a firm believer that when we heal ourselves, we help to heal the whole world, one person at a time. Which will help the generations that follow us.

👉 If that’s something that hits home, schedule your free virtual or in-person 15-minute consult with me to learn more. 


Flashback: Jen. featured in Northampton Living magazine


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