Getting to know Caitlin Isbister, acupuncturist to both man and beast!

Here we share some highlights from an interview CLINIC recently had with Caitlin Isbister, licensed acupuncturist. We are thrilled to have had Caitlin with us since November, and are thrilled to share a little more about her and her practice here.

CLINIC Alternative Medicines: When did you start your practice?  When did you join CLINIC?

Caitlin Isbister: Shortly after I graduated from Pacific College in Chicago in 2008, I  moved to the Boston area and started practicing acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. After working for other people for years and having a private practice in Arlington and Cambridge, I moved to Easthampton in 2022. I was lucky enough to start seeing patients at CLINIC in November last year.

CAM: What is your specialty, within your discipline?    

CI: I am a general practitioner but I tend to treat sleep issues and digestive, pain and stress disorders. Stress is frequently linked to patients’ health issues.

CAM: Do you work other approaches into your sessions?

CI: I enjoy using moxibustion, cupping and gua sha as adjunctive techniques if indicated for the individual.

CAM: What is something about your work that might surprise people?

CI: I see humans at CLINIC and I also treat dogs and cats in the comfort of their own homes in Northampton, Easthampton and beyond. I began doing home visits in Boston and outlying towns in 2015 and I am excited to see pet clients in this area. Acupuncture can be used for various pain disorders, fatigue and digestive disorders. People are often surprised that dogs and cats sit still for this type of treatment!

Caitlin offers acupuncture and Chinese Medicine at CLINIC Tuesdays 9am- 3pm and Thursdays 9am- 1pm. To learn more about Caitlin or book an appointment with her, visit her page, here!


Big-picture health: mindset


Introducing big-picture health advice from a naturopath: a series