What is Frequency Specific Microcurrent?

  • Developed by Carol McMakin, DC, who revived some of the works of her predecessors in energy medicine, Frequency Specific Microcurrent uses very low intensity electrical current to help tissues become more energetic and revitalized.

  • There are two frequencies applied simultaneously via leads to conductive pads or damp towels- the hydrated client is the semiconductor.

  • One frequency resonates to the specific tissue to be addressed, and the other dictates the process needed.

  • The right pairing results in an immediate relaxation in the tissues around the area treated.

  • This can assist with treatment of numerous conditions but is most clearly documented in its effectiveness in reducing inflammation, since inflammatory markers can be measured from blood drawers.

  • FSM is being utilized by trained therapists, Naturopaths, and Medical Doctors in leading clinics to treat conditions within their respective scopes of practices.

  • Frequencies may also be applied via Pulsed Electromagnetic devices, sound, and light.

  • It is important to discover the systems and factors which are causing the pain for the most effective treatment.

Who can benefit from Frequency Specific Microcurrent?

  • FSM is well documented for use in pain including fibromyalgia. Any tissue that has been injured can be bolstered by treating it with a frequency that matches its own specific frequency. We do not treat cancer with FSM.

  • FSM is being used by professional athletes to reduce healing time after injury under professional supervision.

  • Ask your therapist if they believe FSM can help.

What can I expect from a treatment or a series of sessions? What do I need to do to

prepare for it?

  • Hydration is essential. Drink plenty of water before your visit. You may want to bring a water bottle.

  • Bring an extra t-shirt to wear. Application is often with wet towels, which are usually at the back of the neck and the front of the ankles or abdomen, unless we are targeting a joint.

  • Some people are more sensitive than others and feel more effects of the current. Some people feel pleasantly sleepy and “spacey” during treatment. There should not be any discomfort. Tell your therapist if you feel any discomfort so they can adjust the intensity. This can include “buzzing or tingling” sensations or queasiness.

    Laurie Levine- Lowen offers Frequency Specific Microcurrent, among several other services, at CLINIC Mondays 1- 5pm and Fridays 9am- 1pm.