Aquarius Season: Welcome Mid-Night, The Punk

By Christabeth Ingold

As we approach February 1st, we will soon be at the mid-winter point. This in-between space offers us time to still align with the quiet of winter and inward journeys our precious beings want to naturally take in slowness and respite. We begin to also move and come out of our cocoons towards the light and rebirth a bit more.

This mid-point brings in the astrological sign, Aquarius (1/21-2/19). Aquarius marks the middle of winter with its steadiness and staying power towards a new day. It anchors us here at this mid-point so we can keep on keeping on before we really begin to awaken more towards spring. 

Each of the 12 zodiac signs rules a part of the day, a time of year, a part of our lives including certain parts of the body (yup!), and on a big scale the “ages” that the world experiences–hence the age of Aquarius we are approaching. 

Aquarius rules the time a bit after midnight, that’s truly mid-night, the energy within our 24 hours that provides a deep sleep as our consciousness shifts and opens to what’s beyond our ordinary reality. The deep space within us expands to new possibilities-literally even having dreams of all sorts. Maybe the dreams are helping you process your previous day to clear energy for the new day. Maybe your dreams are super out there and don’t make sense. Perhaps they are the space where new ideas pop in:) 

I’m talking about this because THIS is Aquarian energy: it’s wanting us to evolve, to better ourselves as the whole of humanity, to experiment with what else is possible for our lives, and quite frankly, it’s The Punk of the zodiac. 

The Punk leaves behind societies mainstream ideas, thoughts, and structures of things to live on the outskirts…FOR THE SAKE of wanting to create a better future. Aquarius is the energy of the humanitarian and will work for better solutions and new structures that everyone in society can benefit from. 

It’s a beautiful energy and calling to help the whole! What do you notice about the Aquarian people in your life? (I mean, there’s a lot more to someone's astrology than just their sun sign;)

Coming back to winter, this time of year and Aquarius begin to usher us into new, fresh territory–but the winter still hangs on a bit during the seasonal flow. 

I have SO much I could go on and on about Aquarius and this season (like how Aquarius even rules astrology, the tarot, and alien activity), maybe another time! For now, I’d love to offer you just a taste of some astrological weather this month because as above, so below. As within, so without: 

1/21-2/19: Aquarius Season Woot!! Happy Birthday you Aquarians! It’s your time to get weird! 

2/6-2/23: Mercury journeys through Aquarius, then starts into Pisces. Here, Mercury (communication) may lend some interesting, eccentric, and unconventional thoughts and ideas. Intelligence (whether our own or AI) may be offered a new light to operate from. 

2/9: New Moon in Aquarius. This energy ushers in new expansion in big ways–think even bigger here! Aquarius is an air sign, and air relates to the intellect! 

2/14: Mars moves from Capricorn into Aquarius. Mars (courage and aggression) will create an energy to take a stand and want to move forward with big action, making things right for everyone. It will be interesting to see what happens given the global events. 

2/17: Venus moves from Capricorn into Aquarius. Venus (desire) may spark some outside-the -box ways to take care of our wants and pleasures on all levels. What’s been working may want an upgrade. 

2/24: Full Moon in Virgo. Ah the sign of earth Goddess energy! Allow this moon to help release blah routines so you can invite in new, grounding daily rituals. 

There are so many more aspects of the great, divine, and cosmic dance always happening–and I know sometimes it can be a lot of information. I hope this bitesize can help offer some insight when/if you sense anything shift in your internal world and in the external world! 

To weave in one last piece here from a body perspective: Aquarius rules the nervous system (electrical system), the lower legs, rods and cones of eyes, brilliant ideas, oxygen in blood, nervousness. As you might come to CLINIC for bodywork of some sort, it’s interesting to think about what issues you’re bringing in mind/body/spirit AND where the astrology of your natal chart, or the moment, are playing out! (PS–acupuncturist Rachel Condon is studying astrology and planning to bring into their practice at some point;). 

It’s such an important missing piece of our lives, especially since it’s one of the first healing art forms. When something was up for us, our healers would look to the sky for remedies (yes–even plants/minerals/food/you name it are ruled by certain astrological signs and planets!). In fact, wayyy back in the day doctors had to seriously study astrology for 4 years as part of their learning ... .because as above, so below. As within, so without. 

I welcome you to schedule a Valentines Day Astro-Akashic Special with 14% off single or couples sessions (all sorts of couples welcome! Friends, family, loves!) to explore your own unique cosmic dance in your natal chart! These sessions are just beautiful as we weave astrology and the Akashic Records together!

May Aquarius be a brilliant light in the mid-night for you! 


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